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Poisonous Plants Pictures
  1. Alsike Clover
  2. Apricot Tree - see cherry tree
  3. Azalea
  4. Baneberries - intensive digestive upset
  5. Black Locust - bark, sprouts, foliage - nausea, weakness and depression
  6. Black walnut - be careful to get shavings which contain no black walnut
  7. Box Wood - lethal
  8. Braken Fern - often poisons horses - nervous symptoms characteristic of vitamin b1deficency - can be poisoned by braken in hay or bedding
  9. Buckeyes
  10. Buttercups
  11. Cherry Trees -twigs and foliage -can be lethal- antidote is effective if given very quickly- very common tree
  12. Chives - affects liver and kidneys
  13. Christmas Rose -butter cup family
  14. Cocklebur-found on pond shores
  15. Corn Cockles
  16. Crimson clover
  17. Daphne - small red or yellow berries cause severe mouth burns
  18. Dutchman'breeches - grows in pastures and have caused loss of livestock
  19. Elderberry - digestive upset
  20. Ficus
  21. Foxgloves - fresh or in hay - irregular heart beat and pulse
  22. Foxtail
  23. Ground Ivy - Lethal - causes slobbering ,sweating, pupil dilation
  24. Horseradish - becomes excited, in pain - loses weight even though eating
  25. Horse chestnuts - related to buckeyes which are poisonous - no evidence that chestnuts are
  26. Horsetail
  27. Hyacinth
  28. Irises - fleshy root
  29. Jack-in-the-pulpit - contains oxalate crystals
  30. Japanese maple
  31. Japanese Yew
  32. Jimsonweed
  33. Larkspur -found in flower gardens or wild - leaves and roots
  34. Leafy Spurge
  35. Lily's - (some not all)-bulb
  36. Lily-of-the valley
  37. Lupine -western variety has caused lots of livestock deaths
  38. May apple - animals occasionally poisoned - 16 active toxic principles
  39. Monkshood
  40. Mountain Laurel - VERY DEADLY
  41. mushrooms
  42. Narcissus
  43. Nightshade
  44. Oaks - acorns -in large amounts -gradual kidney damage in livestock
  45. Oleander --deadly
  46. Onions - a few are fine but large amounts for several days will destroy red blood cells
  47. Sheep laurel
  48. Peach Tree - see cherry tree
  49. Plum Tree - see cherry tree
  50. Pond Scums - algae
  51. Potatoes - leaves and vines the normal healthy tuber itself is harmless
  52. Privet
  53. Ragwort
  54. Red Maple
  55. Rhododendron
  56. Rubarb - leaf
  57. Rubber Tree - contains a strong irritant called Euphorbia can cause colic.
  58. Saint Johns Wort
  59. Star-of-Bethlehem-onion like weed that has caused extensive loss to livestock
  60. Sensitive Fern
  61. Skunk Cabbage
  62. Sudan Grass- under 18" dark green
  63. Sweet Pea - seeds produce skeletal deformity
  64. Thornapple
  65. Tomatoes - vines may be poisonous
  66. Vetch
  67. Waterhelmlock - tubular roots sometimes have enough toxin that one root can kill - violent and painful convulsions
  68. White Snakeroot -- horse?? but it does effect cows and people if they drink the milk of cows that have eaten white snakeroot
  69. Yew - can be deadly - greenish-yellow on the under surface - no white stripe

Most horses that have enough forage will not eat what is poisonous. BUT if hand fed a horse may eat what it shouldn't, if there is very little forage left they may eat what they normally would not.
Some of the plants listed above, can kill in one mouthful, others like the onion take a lot to dodamage.

This list is not complete. There are over 700 plants in the US and Canada that are poisonous. Call us at 619-659-1180 if you suspect a problem with plant poisoning.